You may be wondering why this article even exists considering my review of The Last of Us on PS3 was published only recently. It comes down to that I felt discussing the multiplayer mode (titled 'Factions') in the same post would detract from what I established in my review - solely as a single player experience, The Last of Us is a masterpiece. A multiplayer component just isn't necessary! Although excellent, most people playing will be doing so for the campaign rather than Factions. This is understandable, not least due to the fact that Factions was only revealed two weeks before the initial launch of the game on PS3, but also because the prestige associated with the name 'Naughty Dog' is due to accomplishments in single player. After only entering the field recently, their history with multiplayer has certainly been patchy and undoubtedly brief. This meant that the awareness of and excitement for the multiplayer mode was low before release.
Even after the Factions reveal trailer was made available to watch online, I didn't know what to expect. Sure, it looked promising, but I had been burned before from scripted multiplayer trailers... And I was still stinging... So I decided not to get my hopes up. Nevertheless, from the impressive single player gameplay shown at E3 2012 and my general confidence in Naughty Dog (for single player) I had already pre-ordered the 'Joel' special edition months before. No matter how it turned out, I would experience it first hand on release day.
And seeing it first hand was a treat. Naughty Dog has created Factions in a way that walks in the footsteps of Uncharted 2 multiplayer not in gameplay, but in design philosophy. By keeping the core single player locations, gameplay and tone intact, this is a multiplayer mode that does not directly oppose the single player experience as with Uncharted 3, but instead one that juxtaposes it. This can perhaps be best observed in the second of the three modes available, titled Survivors. Unlike Supply Raid, the most conventional and accessible mode, Survivors gives you one spawn each round, and winning the game requires four round victories. This is achieved by eliminating all opponents while keeping at least one of your own teammates alive. With a one-life system, the gameplay is slowed down considerably to a more tactical and tense pace. The thought of only having one chance to succeed, and that your performance is even more important for your team's victory facilitates far more personable gameplay. Instead of only caring about your own performance (the typical focus being kill/death ratio) you are invested in how your teammates perform. This is one of the many features that keeps Factions loyal to the single player campaign, where you similarly care about the health and performance of your companions.
Of course, the inclusion of the ingeniously simple and intuitive crafting system from the campaign is another factor that helps Factions both bridge the gap between single player and multiplayer while also being something that stands out from most other (usually tacked on) online components. With it, firefights can branch into incredibly varied, unpredictable and even more dangerous situations. For example, on a map such as Downtown or Bookstore, it is very much possible to break away from an enemy engagement and flee to a safer position. When away from your opponents, useful items can be crafted (such as a Smoke bomb or health kit), and then you can think about returning fire with a more effective and advantageous strategy. It seems as though Naughty Dog has actively encouraged a Guerilla warfare tactical style by implementing cover and blocking line of sight in a way that allows for quick exits when things get too dangerous. The maps I have already mentioned are some of the best examples of this, but it is present in all and offers a uniquely tense twist on tactical combat.
Now, back to Supply Raid. As the first mode to greet the player as they enter Factions, it is clear that Naughty Dog has centered this mode as being one that is accessible to all, while still providing a strong taste of the 'true' multiplayer experience offered in Survivors. Both teams have twenty available respawns, which is a similar concept to the typical online game mode - team deathmatch. However, a game of team deathmatch often ends as soon as the enemy respawns deplete to zero, leaving any surviving players to walk away free. Not in The Last of Us... Players are forced to continue the fight in a 'sudden death' game state, giving one more hint to the slower, more tense gameplay offered in Survivors.
Despite these modes providing two refreshing slants on conventional multiplayer gameplay, Naughty Dog wasn't satisfied. So, a third mode was added during an update soon after the game's release on PS3. Again, this is something that offers an interesting twist on another typical multiplayer game mode - capture the flag. While Survivors and Supply Raid transfer the tense moments from the single player campaign into the online realm, the newest mode, titled Interrogation, captures a sense of panic! The aim of the game is to interrogate members of the enemy team and retrieve information on the whereabouts of their lockbox. This contains a large amount of supplies, and opening it ends the match and rewards the player that opens it with a tasty points bonus. The element of panic stems from the extended pauses in the execution and shiv animations whilst you gather intel from opponents, and during the unlocking process of the safes. Whether you are listening to the clicking of the enemy lock and for the footsteps of opponents as you decode, or frantically returning to your own box to prevent it being cracked open, Interrogation is the most stressful game mode available!
Of course, on PS3 Factions plays superbly, with presentation that pushes the hardware to its limits in a multiplayer environment. However, I have recently been sinking many hours into the newly released PS4 version which offers enhanced detail in 1080p, and increased smoothness and responsiveness thanks to a stable 60 frames per second. Although these improvements are visible in the campaign, the importance of them is far greater in multiplayer. A competitive environment always benefits from a more responsive game, shrinking the disconnect between the inputs of the player and the actions on screen. Aiming at opponents is a particular aspect of the gameplay that is noticeably smoother and feels much less restrictive. Lending to the social aspect of Factions is cross-game voice chat and the ability to capture videos and screenshots of any funny or impressive moments. It is multiplayer that is exceptional for strategizing with teammates and socialising with friends.
There are natural enhancements when playing the game on PS4, but this is an enjoyable multiplayer component regardless of platform. It offers superb level design, while the gameplay is exciting and the game modes have a refreshing slant. As an analog to one of the best campaigns ever made, Factions lives up to the standard set and provides equally excellent multiplayer gameplay. As such a well-rounded package, I cannot recommend both the single player campaign and Factions enough.
There are natural enhancements when playing the game on PS4, but this is an enjoyable multiplayer component regardless of platform. It offers superb level design, while the gameplay is exciting and the game modes have a refreshing slant. As an analog to one of the best campaigns ever made, Factions lives up to the standard set and provides equally excellent multiplayer gameplay. As such a well-rounded package, I cannot recommend both the single player campaign and Factions enough.
Oh, and the burning I mentioned before... That was a gift from EA. In my next article I'll be covering what caused that, and whether it is still a game plagued with issues. That game is, of course, Battlefield 4. Thanks for reading :)
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